2023年5月29日 星期一
好站 : Listen Lab 的 Praat 與語音分析教學影片
最近在解決網友詢問 Praat 的 spectrogram 是否可設定用不同顏色顯示能量範圍時找到 Youtube 上一個很棒的頻道 :
此頻道版主是美國明尼蘇達大學語言與聽力科學系教授 Mathew Winn, 參考 :
作者的個人網站 :
作者錄製了使用 Praat 做語音分析的系列影片 (缺 18/19), 非常值得參考 :
Praat 1 - Downloading Praat
Praat 2 - Spectrogram settings
Praat 3 - Formant settings
Praat 4 - Looking at Spectra
Praat 5 - Interactive pitch and duration manipulation
Praat 6 - Fricative continuum
Praat 7 - Compare spectra of different speech sounds
Praat 8 - Do stuff to all selected sounds (template)
Praat 9 - Save multiple sounds at once
Praat 10 - Equalize intensity of all sounds in a folder
Praat 11 - Make speech-shaped noise
Praat 12 - VOT continuum (introduction)
Praat 13 - make your own VOT continuum
Praat 14 - VOT continuuum with prevoicing (at your own risk!)
Praat 15 - VOT continuum with F0 (pitch) manipulation
Praat 16 - extra control over the aspiration
Praat 17 - saving and documenting your VOT continuum
Praat 20 - draw speech spectrum using R
Praat 21 - Draw spectrogram in R (using Praat output)
Use R to make a sound with custom spectrogram
Extract Envelope and Fine Structure in Praat using the Hilbert transform
Using Praat for high-quality speech manipulation & illustration: practices & demonstrations
Equalize sound durations in Praat
Make your own vowel chart!
另外還有 6 個聲學語音學系列教學影片 :
Speech Acoustics 1 - Introduction
Speech Acoustics 2 - Timing categories in speech acoustics
Speech Acoustics 3 - what we can see?
Speech Acoustics 4 - Source-filter model
Speech Acoustics 5 - vowel formants
# S
peech Acoustics 6 - consonants
哇, 真是太棒了!
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