# AliExpress USD100 Coupon
於是我就搜尋 D1 Mini 板子, 發現它有許多報價各有不同之供貨商, 我找到其中單價最低的 USD$2.57 元 (約台幣 77 元) 買了五塊板子, 它不論買幾塊運費都是 USD$1.89 元, 合計 2.57*5 +1.89=14.74 元 :
# 1PCS D1 mini V1 - Mini NodeMcu 4M bytes Lua WIFI Internet of Things development board based ESP8266 by WeMos USD$2.57
輸入收件地址與信用卡資訊後就會出現確認畫面, 上方有使用折價券選項, 這次消費可折抵 USD$2 元, 所以總共應付 14.74-2=12.74 美元 :
確認後顯示如下訊息 :
Your payment will be verified within 24 hours. Once it is verified, the seller will prepare your order for shipment. Otherwise, you will receive a notice in My AliExpress or by email.
交貨期 20~40 天, 大約 1 個月後才會收到, 難怪運費較便宜. 12.74 美元折合台幣約 382 元, 每塊板子才 77 元, 比露天還便宜 30 元, 而 2 美元的折價券相當於免運費. 1.89 美元的運費折合台幣 56 元, 也比超商取貨付款還便宜.
2017-07-22 :
信用卡付款經 24 小時確認後, 今天收到 aliexpress 出貨通知 :
Dear Tony, |
This is an e-mail notification to inform you that your order .85353221731953 has been shipped by the seller on 2017.07.21 18:35. You are advised to contact the seller for shipment information.
The Purchase Protection of order .85353221731953 will end on 2017.09.19 18:35.
1. If you are satisfied with the items you have received, then you can click 'Confirm Order Received'.
2. If you have not received your items, or you are not satisfied with your items, you can click ’Open Dispute.’ before Purchase Protection deadline or Purchase will be automatically finalized. 3. If you would like to extend your Purchase Protection you can contact the seller directly or click 'Request to extend Purchase Protection' to ask for the seller's approval.
Please note if there is no action taken within Purchase Protection, your order will be automatically finalized with payment released.
Sincerely, AliExpress.com 2017.07.21 18:35 |
2017-08-02 補充 :
買 D1 Mini 這家 WAVGAT 也不錯, 運費 10 件以內都是 US$1.79 元 :
# D1 mini - Mini NodeMcu 4M bytes Lua WIFI Internet of Things development board based ESP8266 by WAVGAT
傍晚下班回家收到賣家從新加坡寄來的包裹了, 內有五小袋零組件無誤, 從 7/21 下訂起算共 13 天到貨, 比網頁上標示的 30~40 天還快. 隨便拆封一個來焊接, 這回我改用短腳排母, 因為 D1 Mini 上面可以玩疊疊樂, 如果是焊排針的話, D1 Mini 就要疊在其他模組上面; 反之使用排母就在下面.
2017-08-03 補充 :
今天收到 AliExpress 寄來貨品寄達確認信 :
Please Confirm Delivery
for Order No. 85353221731953
Dear Tony, |
Your Order No. 85353221731953 has been delivered by AliExpress Standard Shipping and our system shows you have received the product.
If you have received your full order in satisfactory condition, please Confirm Order Received.
If you have not received your items or are not satisfied with the items you received, please contact the seller to resolve it or ask seller to extend your product receipt time.Otherwise you can Open Dispute before 2017.08.12 09:22.If you do not open a dispute within this time AliExpress will consider the order to be satisfactory and will finalize the order process. |
AliExpress.com 2017.08.02 09:22 This is an automated system email. Please do not reply to this email. |
網站中有完整的交易流程紀錄, 從 GMT-7 研判, AliExpress 主機設在美西, 很可能是在加州的洛杉磯, 舊金山, 或矽谷, 但是在新加坡出貨 (出貨商 YuYang Electronic Components) :
2017.08.02 03:25 (GMT-7): Shipment delivered-Signature by consignee
2017.08.02 03:25 (GMT-7): Product Delivered (Country code: TW)
2017.08.02 18:25 (GMT-7): 【8】Product Delivered (Country code: TW)
2017.08.02 18:25 (GMT-7): 【+8】Shipment delivered-Signature by consignee
2017.08.01 08:59 (GMT-7): 【+8】Shipmnet arrived at destination country
2017.08.01 08:59 (GMT-7): 【8】Arrival at Processing Center (Country code: TW)
2017.08.01 08:59 (GMT-7): Arrive at destination country
2017.07.31 17:59 (GMT-7): Shipmnet arrived at destination country
2017.07.31 17:59 (GMT-7): Arrival at Processing Center (Country code: TW)
2017.07.28 15:42 (GMT-7): 【8】Despatched to overseas (Country code: TW)
2017.07.28 15:42 (GMT-7): 【+8,TWTPE】parcel departed from exchange office
2017.07.28 00:42 (GMT-7): Despatched to overseas (Country code: TW)
2017.07.28 00:42 (GMT-7): parcel departed from exchange office
2017.07.24 21:45 (GMT-7): 【8】Hand over to airline
2017.07.24 06:45 (GMT-7): Hand over to airline
2017.07.23 11:49 (GMT-7): 【8】Received by line-haul
2017.07.23 10:49 (GMT-7): 【8】Outbound in sorting center
2017.07.23 10:23 (GMT-7): 【+8】Shipment information received
2017.07.23 09:49 (GMT-7): 【8】Inbound in sorting center
2017.07.23 09:19 (GMT-7): 【8】Accepted by carrier
2017.07.23 07:34 (GMT-7): 【8】Waiting for pick up
2017.07.22 20:49 (GMT-7): Received by line-haul
2017.07.22 19:49 (GMT-7): Outbound in sorting center
2017.07.22 19:23 (GMT-7): Shipment information received
2017.07.22 18:49 (GMT-7): Inbound in sorting center
2017.07.22 18:19 (GMT-7): Accepted by carrier
2017.07.22 16:34 (GMT-7): Waiting for pick up
2017.07.22 09:34 (GMT-7): Shipment confirmation
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