2020年3月15日 星期日

AWS 學習筆記 (三) : AWS Business Professional 課程筆記

本周開始聽 AWS 的線上學習課程, 因為參加 AWS 認證之前必須上三個基本課程, 網址如下 :

AWS Business Professional (Digital : 編號 30254)

以下是我聽完 AWS Business Professional 後的摘要筆記 :

1. 此課程之目標 :了解 AWS 產品 (products) 與其價值 (values)
2. AWS 的計費方式為 pay-as-you-go (用多少付多少), 不需要千長期合約 (no long-term contract)
3. 採用 AWS 服務可增加 ROI (Return On Investment)
4. 三種雲端佈署模式 (Cloud deployment models) :
  • private cloud
  • public cloud
  • hybrid cloud
5. 在幫客戶評估 AWS 解決方案時需先了解 :
  • 客戶的技術與 IT 設施是甚麼?
  • 客戶的技術放在哪裡?
  • 客戶的經營遇到那些挑戰?
6. AWS 的優勢是提供全球性安全與多重的資訊基礎設施 (AWS provides global, secure and redundant infrastructure), 具備 :
  • 22 regions
  • 69 AZ
  • 199 edge locations (for CDN)
7. AWS 服務始自 2006 年, 擁有超過 175 種服務, 在全球 22 個區域有 69 個 AZ, 有 35000 個合作夥伴 (APN), 以保護客戶資料安全為最優先, 符合 58 個資安規範認證.

8. 資安責任分界 : AWS 負責雲端的資安 (the secure "of" the cloud), 例如軟硬體, 資料庫與網路等. 客戶則負責雲端內的資安 (the secure "in" the cloud).

9. Cloud computing is the on-demand delivery of IT resources via the internet with pay-as-you-go pricing.

10. APN 夥伴分成 consulting (顧問夥伴) 與 technology (技術夥伴) 兩種, 顧問夥伴負責為客戶設計, 架構, 建立, 遷移, 與管理, 包含下列五種 :
  • system integrators (系統整合)
  • strategic consultancies (策略顧問) 
  • agencies (代理商)
  • managed service providers (受控服務提供者)
  • value-added resellers (加值經銷商)
11. 技術夥伴負責為客戶提供軟體與 AWS 整合之解決方案, 包含 :
  • ISV
  • SaaS
  • PaaS
  • developer tools
  • management vendors
  • security vendors
12. 採用 AWS 雲端所面對的衝擊面向 :
  • People
  • Governance
  • Operation
  • Platform
  • Security
  • Business
13. AWS 的 IAM 服務是免費的.
14. AWS 的主要服務單元 :
  • AWS EC2 : Virtual Application Server=instance
  • AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service) : object storage
15. AWS 訓練目標 :
  • How to design
  • How to deploy
  • How to Operate

2020-03-16 補充 :

昨天晚上看完 Business Professional 最後一個學習模組, 最後還有一個 Assessment Quiz (就是考試), 總共有 30 題選擇題 (部分為複選), 答對 80% 為 pass (即只能錯 6 題, 沒過還可重測), 早上原以為可以很快做完, 沒想到部分題目不熟 (可能有聽沒有懂), 還回看了相關的上課內容, 直到中午 12 點過後才交卷, 終於一次 90% pass (錯 3 題), 總共花了 3.5 小時才完成, 可見真的要認真看才能一次 pass.

我的題目如下 (有三題答錯) :

1. Which of the following are parts of the AWS global infrastructure? (Select THREE.)

ANS: AZ, Edge locations, Region (複選)

2. What are the three types of cloud deployment models?

ANS: private, public, hybrid (單選)

3. What is an objection-handling technique that allows customer to try a solution or service before purchasing?

ANS: Proof of concepts(POC)

4. What is a key benefit of the APN Partner community?

ANS: Provides members with biness, tecnical, and marketing supports.

5. How can APN Partners differentiate their practice with AWS?

ANS: Offer AWS Technic Account Manager (TAC) to customers whoa are on the Development Support plan

6. What does the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service do?

ANS: Manages access security to AWS products and resources

7. The AWS pricing principles are based on which of the following items?  (Select THREE.)

ANS: Pay as you go, volume pricing discounts, reserved instance discounts

8. What are some key benefits of cloud computing? (Select TWO.)

ANS: increased speed and agility, ability to scale globally

9. According to the AWS shared responsibility model, which of the following controls are managed by AWS? (Select THREE.)

ANS: (1) pysical security of the facilities in which the services operate,
     (2) components of the physical servers
     (3) global infrastructure

10. Who helps with the onboarding process of becoming an APN Partner?

ANS: AWS partner development manager

11. What stage in the cloud adoption journey describes a customer who runs operations in the cloud but wants to further optimize a business?

ANS: All-in

12. Which tool helps customers connect with APN Partners who have specific skills?

ANS: AWS partner solutions finder

13. What is an advantage of using the on-demand pricing model?

ANS: No long-term commitments

14. Which AWS service is a compute service?

ANS: Amazon EC2

15. How can APN Partners help customers get accustomed to cloud adoption?

ANS: select workloads that are less complicated to migrate

16. What is the main job of APN Consulting Partners?

ANS: Design, architech, build, migrate, and operate

17. What are two comprehensive frameworks that can help guide conversations with customers? (Select TWO.)

ANS: (1) Cloud adoption framwork
     (2) Outcome based accountant framwork

18. Which program highlights APN Partners who have demonstrated technical proficiency and proven customer success in a specialized solution, industry, or workload?

ANS: AWS competency program

19. In this course, which skills and knowledge were identified as helping APN Partners move their customers forward in the cloud adoption process? (Select THREE.)

ANS: (1) Unique consulting expertise
     (2) Deep understanding of the customers
     (3) Deep understanding of the AWS tools

20. What is the main job of APN Technology Partners?

ANS: Provide software solutions that are hosted on or run with AWS products and services

21. Which tier does every APN Partner start in?

ANS: Registered

22. What is the primary tool used to price AWS services and solutions?

ANS: AWS pricing calculator

23. Which program provides  step-by-step guidance on how to build, market, sell, and specialize as an APN Partner?

ANS: APN Navigate

24. Which AWS service models and provisions resources based on a template in an automated and secure way?

ANS: AWS CloudFormation

25. At AWS, what does the term cloud computing refer to?

ANS: On-demand delivery of IT resource, accross the internet, with pay-as-you-go pricing

26. Which AWS service helps to globally deliver content with low-latency, high-transfer speeds to customers?

ANS: Amazon CloudFront

27. What is the online software store that helps customers and APN Partners find, buy, and immediately start using the software and services that run on AWS? It is also a place where APN Technology Partners can sell their solutions.

ANS: AWS Marketplace

28. How do partners help their customers right-size service choices?

ANS: Find the right instance type and storage class for a customer's workload

29. Which program is designed for APN Consulting Partners who provide proactive monitoring, automation, and management of their customers’ environments?

ANS: AWS managed service provider partner program

30. What are the benefits of AWS Sponsorships?

ANS: Allow access to customer data for APN Patners to see which patners can benefit from their services

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