2019年10月19日 星期六

好書 : Beyond Artificial Intelligence: From Human Consciousness to Artificial Consciousness

今天看到一本 Willy 出版探討人工意識模型的書, 很是新奇 :

# Beyond Artificial Intelligence: From Human Consciousness to Artificial Consciousness (Amazon) US$130
Beyond Artificial Intelligence: From Human Consciousness to Artificial Consciousness (博客來) NT$6075

Source : Amazon

書籍簡介如下 :

"This book will present a complete modeling of the human psychic system that allows to generate the thoughts in a strictly organizational approach that mixes a rising and falling approach. The model will present the architecture of the psychic system that can generate sensations and thoughts, showing how one can feel thoughts."

此書提出一個人類心智系統的完整模型, 用來模擬與產生感情與思維, 為賦予機器意識鋪出一條可行的路徑. 作者 Alain Cardon 為法國魯昂工程大學教授與 LITIS 實驗室人工智慧專家.

