昨天公司電腦出現偵測到 irsetup.exe 病毒或木馬告警, 同事非常警張, 怕接到資安通報單. 我查了 Google, 根據下面這篇所言, 我認為應該不是甚麼病毒還是木馬, 那是 Indigo 公司的 exe 打包軟體在程式安裝過程中留下的暫存檔, 因故未於安裝完後自動刪除, 卻被部分掃毒軟體認為是病毒或木馬程式 :
# What is irsetup.exe?
"The genuine irsetup.exe file is a software component of Setup Factory by Indigo Rose Software Design Corp.. "Irsetup.exe" is a tool used by Indigo Rose Software Design in their Setup Factory product which software developers use to create single-process "setup.exe" files to install their products on end users' computers. Executing the "setup.exe" causes extraction of "irsetup.exe" to a temporary file, which then runs and implements the developer's setup instructions. It is supposed to remove itself either when installation finishes or at the next system boot-up. If it remains in the temporary file it is no longer being used and can be deleted. Since 2001 some anti-malware programs have identified "irsetup.exe" as adware which Indigo Rose and its customers have protested."