2016年11月28日 星期一

2016 年第 46 周記事

時序已過了 46 周了, 再過五周這一年就要過去, 如果不是有認真在寫周記還真的搞不清楚日子是怎樣過去的. 本周比較重要的是周二去上了兩天 Python 進階的課程, 把我的注意力從 Arduino 導回 Python 以及 GAE, 主要是從課堂上得知兩本 Python 在資料擷取方面的好書, 我就想說應該可以用樹莓派 Linux 裡的 cron table 來抓資料經過分析後存在 MySQL 資料庫裡, 然後將分析結果以 Email 傳給手機. 等有空再次玩樹莓派時再來試試看.

這次去上課巧遇了兩個人, 一個是同棟不同單位但已調職他處多年的美智, 我們彼此都忘了對方名字了; 另外一位是以前跟我一起奉派去美國舊金山研習的三元兄, 算算這竟然已經是 11 年前的事了, 日子怎麼過得這麼快呀! 可不是嗎? 當時二哥才上中班呢! 轉眼已經上了高中. 我覺得五十歲之後, 對時光越來越來越敏感, 恨不得時間的巨輪能轉慢一些, 對於人生的得失也較了然, 比較不想去計較了.

很久沒在管菜園, 上週日鋤了一小塊地來種玉米, 玉米用的是年初小舅給我的一支玉米棒, 但是沒把握會順利發芽, 所以旁邊與重新栽植了地瓜葉. 一周過去了, 似乎沒看到發芽跡象, 周日一整天都在下雨, 我看再不發芽可能都要爛掉了, 下周乾脆去買玉米苗來種算了.

另外就是 11/23 向英國 Hostinger 以美金 27 元租用其 Premium 虛擬主機三年 (到 2019/11/23), 這幾天陸續將專案上傳部署後, 設定 Advanced Cron Jobs 功能去觸發指定之 PHP 網路爬蟲程式擷取資訊後進行分析, 平均執行時間約在 30~40 秒完成, 我對此 Advanced Cron Jobs 功能相當滿意, 因為它最快可以設定每分鐘觸發一次.

本周菁菁與二哥本來要跟我一起回鄉下, 但理化家教黃老師周六下午有事, 問說可否改為周日下午; 而二哥則補習班臨時要補課, 所以仍是我一人回鄉下. 以後上大學或就業, 全家一起回鄉下的機會想必是越來越少了. 從二哥國二去全晟補習理化開始, 大家坐 QRV 回鄉下的情景就變成我跟姊姊與菁菁三人而已. 然後今年七月姐姐也為了準備明年的學測開始週日要去補習班, 就變成我跟菁菁兩人了. 接下來呢, 菁菁也要面臨會考了, 小舅媽說得沒錯, 以後會變成只有我一個人回去了. 雖然明白這是離巢期將近的訊息, 但 ... 孤寂總是需要些時間來調適 ... Good old days.

2 則留言:

  1. Lyrics that I loved it so much...
    Ah, yeah, ah, yeah
    I got this feelin' inside my bones
    It goes electric, wavy when I turn it on
    All through my city, all through my home
    We're flyin' up, no ceilin', when we in our zone

    I got that sunshine in my pocket
    Got that good soul in my feet
    I feel that hot blood in my body when it drops (ooh)
    I can't take my eyes up off it, movin' so phenomenally
    Room on lock, the way we rock it, so don't stop

    And under the lights when everything goes
    Nowhere to hide when I'm gettin' you close
    When we move, well, you already know
    So just imagine, just imagine, just imagine

    Nothin' I can see but you when you dance, dance, dance
    Feel a good, good creepin' up on you
    So just dance, dance, dance, come on
    All those things I shouldn't do
    But you dance, dance, dance
    And ain't nobody leavin' soon, so keep dancin'
    I can't stop the feelin'
    So just dance, dance, dance
    I can't stop the feelin'
    So just dance, dance, dance, come on

    Ooh, it's something magical
    It's in the air, it's in my blood, it's rushin' on (rushin' on)
    I don't need no reason, don't need control (need control)
    I fly so high, no ceiling, when I'm in my zone

    'Cause I got that sunshine in my pocket
    Got that good soul in my feet
    I feel that hot blood in my body when it drops (ooh)
    I can't take my eyes up off it, moving so phenomenally
    Room on lock, the way we rock it, so don't stop (stop, stop, stop)

    Under the lights when everything goes
    Nowhere to hide when I'm gettin' you close
    When we move, well, you already know
    So just imagine, just imagine, just imagine

    Nothing I can see but you when you dance, dance, dance
    Feel a good, good, creepin' up on you
    So just dance, dance, dance, come on
    All those things I shouldn't do
    But you dance, dance, dance
    And ain't nobody leavin' soon, so keep dancin'
    I can't stop the feelin'
    So just dance, dance, dance
    I can't stop the feelin'
    So just dance, dance, dance
    I can't stop the feelin'
    So just dance, dance, dance
    I can't stop the feelin' (yeah)
    So keep dancin', come on

  2. I have only seen this one about 10 times . I didn't get the books i like surprises . But i wish he would sing a lot more on here i would never get bored . The one he did with his friend was awesome but i don't know what the name of it is . They are all good . I I like plane i found one of his songs and put it on twitter but i don't think i can send any of these to twitter so when i get boed i get listen to some songs .
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