在 Amazon 找到這本 Manning 出版的 Swing 好書 "Swing Second Edition (2003)", 雖然已是 12 年前的舊書, 但 Swing 已經非常成熟, 廣用於許多應用系統, 因此似乎也沒有改版必要.
此書內容包含 Swing 方方面面, 其範例程式頗有深度, 跨越不同元件, 不是一般簡單介紹那樣.
# http://www.manning.com/robinson2/excerpt_contents.html
# http://www.manning.com/robinson2/
# 原始程式碼下載
其章節如下 :
Part I. Foundations
1. Swing overview
2. Swing mechanics
Part II. The Basics
3. Frames, panels, and borders
4. Layout managers
5. Labels and buttons
6. Tabbed panes
7. Scrolling panes
8. Split panes
9. Combo boxes
10. List boxes and spinners
11. Text components and undo
12. Menus, toolbars, and actions
13. Progress bars, sliders, and scroll bars
14. Dialogs
Part III. Advanced Topics
15. Layered panes & custom MDI
16. Desktops & internal frames
17. Trees
18. Tables
19. Inside Text Components
20. Constructing an HTML editor application
21. Pluggable look and feel
Part IV. Special Topics
22. Printing
23. Constructing an XML editor
24. Drag & Drop