2009年8月25日 星期二

Prototype.js Framework

早上查了一下 prototype.js, 這是 Javascript 框架中較早發展的一個, 雖然沒 Ext JS 絢麗, 但是體態輕盈, 是不錯的專案.

>> http://www.prototypejs.org (首頁)

>> http://www.prototypejs.org/api (API 索引)

>> http://www.prototypejs.org/learn (教學)

其實選擇一個適合的框架實在很令人困惑, 因為框架太多了, 特別是功能各有千秋. 下面這篇文章就說, 其實使用框架並不會增進你對 Javascript 的駕馭能力, 但會提升寫程式的效率. 因為寫專案的人最重要的三件事是 : "時間", "時間", "時間"! 框架可以避免一再地製作輪子.

>> http://ajaxian.com/archives/choosing-a-javascript-framework

>> http://blog.reindel.com/2007/10/30/how-to-choose-a-javascript-framework/

摘要如下 :

1. Efficiencies. Projects live or die by them. A JavaScript framework may not make you a better programmer, but it will make you more efficient. That alone should be reason enough to choose a JavaScript framework, or library if you prefer.

2.If you have few requirements, you could find success with an extremely lightweight, modular library.如果功能要求不高, 選個輕量級模組化的就可以.

3.you need to consider whether or not your JavaScript framework should support A-Grade browsers. 要考慮瀏覽器支持度.

4. A major differentiator between JavaScript frameworks today is documentation. This not only includes official documentation for the API, but also includes books, tutorials, and blogs. The worst documentation is the sort that is only focused on syntax. Look for a framework that includes examples with each method and property, and that is updated to meet the needs of the community. Documentation is simple to research, and it can be a lifesaver when dealing with tight deadlines. 有沒有優秀的API與教學文件是最重要的, 最糟糕的是只有提供語法說明. 找一個有豐富範例的框架.

另一篇文章是認為 jQuery 比較好, 因為 "One plus point of jQuery is that it is supported by large community and have a very good documentaion with example in jquery.com." 讀者投票也是 jQuery 遙遙領先.

>> http://roshanbh.com.np/2008/06/which-is-the-best-javascript-ajax-framework.html

